Celebrating 50 Years of THE VANCE STANCE!
I'm happy to present a Special offer, until the end of April 2025, for the 50 Years of The Vance Stance: A Series of 5 Private sessions of 1 1/2 hours each, in my home studio for $150.
You may pick your choice of Date and Time.
You CAN change your body through Posture, Awareness, and Flexibility
Eliminate Chronic Pain and Learn the root of mis-alignment and stiffness
that can cause scoliosis, bunions. sciatica, back and neck pain, premature aging, and more.
For more information, to work with Vance, and to register: 541/330-9070 NO TEXTING
Email: vancebonner@juno.com Website: www.TheVanceStance.com
21173 Sunburst Ct., Bend, OR 97702. Home studio is off 27th St., nearly across from Eastside Gardens, between Bear Creek Rd and Reed Mkt Rd. on the Eastside. Please park on my large open area to the left of the driveway, or in the driveway, to respect the neighbors.